Physical Training

Warming up and endurance – This set is of 10 minutes as given below :

I. Jogging – The class is made to jog a distance of 400 meters in 2 minutes thereby bringing the heart rate from resting level to pre exercise level. Jogging is a slow paced run in which the heel usually lands on the ground before the toes.

II. Running – After the initial warm up in the form of jogging the class is made to run for 7 minutes. The distance to be covered increases from one table card to the other.

III. Recovery – The endurance run is followed by recovery exercises for one minute. The class is made to perform breathing exercises. If time permits then limbering exercises may also be done.

Strength Endurance

The set is of 20 minutes duration. It includes a variety of activities to improve strength, speed and agility. The sequence of exercises is follows :

I. Skipping – Skipping is done with the help of skipping rope. It is excellent for the muscles of the lower body and it also simulates the cardiovascular (heart – lung) system. The activities are gradually made more difficult from one table card to the next.

II. Jumping – The exercise in this set helps in the co-ordination of various muscles group. Activities such as jumping on both feet forward, running broad jump, jump and reach etc., are taught in this part of the table.

III. Push Ups – Arms and shoulders are exercised by doing push ups. The number of sets and repetitions are increased in the succeeding table cards.

IV. Sprint – Sprint is different from jogging in that you run at a much faster speed. The other difference is that sprinting is done on the toes as against jogging where the heal lands first. The distance is increased with each table card.

V. Sit ups – The exercise in this set is meant to develop the muscles of the abdominal region and is performed with varying degrees of difficulty.

VI. Sprint – The distance is slightly more than the previous sprint activity. The class should not come to an abrupt halt after running but must do so gradually.

VII. Rope Climbing – Recruits are taught to climb a vertical rope using hands and feet and to descend using hands. Special attention should be given to correct technique.

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